Water~Stone Review

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

The submission period for Water~Stone Review is October 1 - November 1.  
Submission Guidelines
The following guidelines apply to general submissions.

At Water~Stone Review, we welcome and encourage diversity in voice and form. We believe in honoring the tradition of the literary journal and the work of established writers. We believe in carefully ushering new writers into the world and cultivating considerate editors. We are careful, collaborative, and nurturing. We make a beautiful, award-winning literary journal. We invite you to submit.

Note: Students currently enrolled in Hamline University's MFA or BFA programs cannot submit to Water~Stone Review.  Work from graduates of these programs is welcome.

  • All submissions should be original,
    previously unpublished work.  (This also excludes work published on any
    website, including author’s own site from being submitted for
  • Please include with your submission a brief cover letter listing previous places of publication, if any and the title(s) of piece(s) submitted. 
  • Author's name should not appear on any of the pages of the work submitted. 
  • Fiction and creative nonfiction submissions
    must be limited to 8,000 words. Novel and memoir excerpts are acceptable as
    long as they stand on their own. Short and flash forms are welcome in both CNF
    and fiction and up to three pieces in
    these forms, with the total number of words for all pieces combined not
    exceeding 8,000 is acceptable.
  • Poetry submissions must be limited to
    three poems or fewer.
  • Simultaneous submissions are
    acceptable, but the writer must withdraw the piece immediately if it has
    been accepted elsewhere. To withdraw work, please inform us via the Notes field on your submission. If you have any further questions or concerns, you may contact us at water-stone@hamline.edu. Another piece may NOT be submitted in its place.
  • Entrants may submit only one submission
    per genre/category. It is preferred that entrants submit in only one genre per
    issue, creative nonfiction, fiction, or poetry. If submitting in more than one
    genre/category please communicate this in the cover letter to avoid clerical
  • Payment is in two copies of the issue
    in which the author’s work appears.
  • Response time is typically 4 to 6 months. 

*Mailed manuscripts are accepted by special permission
only and must be typed or printed in proper
format on white paper, in English or translations provided, one side only,
double-spaced (prose). Specify genre (fiction, creative nonfiction, or
poetry) on the outside of your envelope and in the cover letter. Please send
submissions addressed to Fiction Editor, Nonfiction Editor, or Poetry
Editor. Cover letters should be brief and should indicate the genre of the
submitted work. Author’s name should not appear on the manuscript. Please
include a SASE for result. Manuscripts will be recycled not returned.

Water~Stone Review